ThmDex – An index of mathematical definitions, results, and conjectures.
Set of symbols
Deduction system
Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory
Binary cartesian set product
Binary relation
Simple map
Simple function
Measurable simple complex function
Simple integral
Unsigned basic integral
Unsigned basic expectation
Basic expectation
Random real number moment
Definition D1719
R4132: Strict version of probabilistic Markov inequality
R5046: Absolute moment inherits finiteness from greater exponents for random real number
R5304: Complex-linearity of real expectation
R5285: Expectation of a gaussian random real number
R2313: Expectation with dual probability distribution function
R1818: Isotonicity of real expectation
R1369: Jensen's inequality for expectation
R4131: Markov lower bound on unsigned basic expectation
R4741: Probabilistic Chebyshov's inequality for square function
R4141: Probabilistic Chernoff inequality
R2016: Probabilistic Markov's inequality
R5303: Real-linearity of complex expectation
R2100: Triangle inequality for signed basic expectation